“Wind & Waves” Part 7

Wind & Waves: You Gotta Read This! (YGRT!)
“Don’t be children, tossed here and there by every wave and wind of crafty, tricky, deceitful schemes of men, but grow up in all aspects of Christ.” Ephesians 4:14-16
A Time for Confidence: Trusting God in a Post-Christian Society
by Stephen J. Nichols, Reformation Trust, Ligonier Ministries, Orlando, FL, 2016.
Our society is quickly abandoning its Christian past and followers of Christ often feel confused and frightened. When our human leaders, politicians, and government fail us, we begin to doubt, and compromise begins to creep in. But this is a time for even greater confidence in Almighty God who still sits on His throne and is still in complete control of all the affairs of earth. God is the source of our confidence! Though the whole world may shake around us, His Kingdom is unshakable. If you’ve been down in the dumps about what’s going on in the world, this short, easy-to-read 144 pages will renew your trust in God. Each chapter of approximately 20 pages includes titles: A Time for Confidence, Confidence in God, Confidence in the Bible, Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Gospel, and Confidence in Hope. If you would like to donate a new copy of this book to the church library which is being assembled, please notify Pastor Jeff.
